Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Under Construction

Frankly...I have no idea how to use this yet....


Hi! Welcome to my blog which will be dedicated mostly to food and travel around Malaysia. Yeah, I quite aware that there are many food blog around but they usually cover restaurants from shopping malls and so on. Occasionally there are some that recommend certain hawker stalls which when tried taste either horrible/ below par/ horrendous and above all expensive (the cooks overate themselves)....I admit that other people have their personal taste but hey, I wanna share mine with others as well.

My work takes me all over the West coast of Pen. Malaysia and in the process I do get distracted and end up somewhere for food. Other times, there are some of my favorite shops/ stalls/ restaurants which are my personal favs and other times I do COOK.

In terms of traveling, I do get send to certain places where "you have to be one with nature"...mostly for work but, hey, you can't work always...

So, sit back and relax and do enjoy my suggestions.

Good day and arvo...